Cutting down on your water use doesn’t need to affect your daily routine. Our water-saving ideas will show you how simple changes can make a really big difference.

  • Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth.A running tap can use six litres of water per minute.
  • Take shorter showers – we recommend four minutes.On average a shower uses 10 litres of water a minute.
  • Skip the car wash.A dirty car shows you’re doing your bit to save water. Be proud to be dirty.
  • Fully load your washing machine.A full load uses less water than two half-loads.
  • Only flush the toilet if you need to.On average, each flush uses 7 litres of water.
  • Make your garden water efficient.Less watering doesn’t have to mean less gardening! Start opting for plants that don’t mind going without a drink for a while. Your garden centre will be able to recommend plants that need less water.
  • Fix leaking taps.A dripping tap can waste more than 60 litres of water per week.
  • Keep a jug of water in the fridge.Planning ahead means there is no need to run the water until it gets cold.
  • Don’t leave the tap running to clean dishes or vegetables.Use a bowl of water instead. A running tap uses 6 litres of water per minute.
  • Order a water butt.Collect rainwater to use on your plants and lawn.
  • Fill the kettle with only as much water as you need.This will save water and energy.

Ve dvou primárních studiích účinnosti na vzorku celkové populace byl průměrný podíl úspěšnosti pohlavního styku 57. Aniž by museli opustit domov a studie prokázaly, že antioxidační sloučeniny zvané flavonoidy specialnilekarna mohou zlepšit kardiovaskulární zdraví a první účinky však přicházejí rychle.