Research & Development
The formulation and execution of our R & D policies shall be continued in line with the objective to modernise and promote the industry according to standards that would make it robust and competitive.

Following shall describe certain measures:
List what our R & D has accomplished in the past such as innovative products?
symbolbulat2Water Filtration & Process Efficiency
symbolbulat2kWater programs focus on seawater desalination on one hand and also on aquifer rechargesymbolbulat2kusing treated waste waterand stormĀ  water.

symbolbulat2Control impacts on natural environments
symbolbulat2kResearch goals include perfecting produced water technologies, improving methods for anysymbolbulat2kchemical filtration, before releasing it to the environment.

symbolbulat2Develop alternative sources of energy
symbolbulat2kPinewater is concentrating on producing micro hydro turbine as a substitute for fuel or othersymbolbulat2ksource of hydrocarbon energy.

Account for what has been spent in the past year in percentage of revenue?

We have adopted a financial provision policy for the R & D segment, by providing assistance of 10 % value from our net profit after tax. The same policy includes firm directive that we shall not acquire any profit from any business transaction associated with the segment/unit.

Propriety Aspects
This section shall show how Pinewater products are exceptional. Following shall explain the unique value-added characteristics of our product line and how it will in turn give this business a competitive advantage, and provide the reasons why Pinewater is able to differentiate itself in the market:

symbolbulat2Patent / Copyrights
symbolbulat2kWe are in the process of applying compulsory certification and approval from SIRIM, for designsymbolbulat2kpatent and business copyright to do water business in Malaysia (Current Status: Approved).

symbolbulat2New Production Process
symbolbulat2kWe always emphasize in safe and friendly applications during the whole fabrication andsymbolbulat2kassembly procedures of our products and services. Our cooperation with SIRIM inspectionsymbolbulat2kteam proves that our initiative is to preserve better quality product and best workmanship.

symbolbulat2Green Technology (Optional)
symbolbulat2kGoing green with various design and test such as low-cost alternative of electric power supplysymbolbulat2kusing solar or wind turbine, for the operation of our plant and equipment.

symbolbulat2Partly Conventional (Optional)
symbolbulat2kOur design also uses part of conventional method (Gravity Filtration) so as to facilitate effectivesymbolbulat2kand efficient operation, and smooth maintenance of the system.